Gareth A Hopkins

These pages will be kept updated with forthcoming gallery shows and news on completed artwork.

Pages from my ongoing surreal/abstracted comic 'The Intercorstal' can be found here: The Intercorstal

My deviantart gallery, chock-full of my art, can be found here: grthink

Stories from my (old) walk to and from work can be found here: Trolleys In Odd Places

Monday, 14 September 2020

I Don't Know - EDEN

From the 17th- 23rd September 2020 I'll be in residence at 48 Aberfeldy Street, London, E14 0NU, under the event title 'I Don't Know', which is running as part of Young Blood Initiative's "Wake Up And Smell The Tear Gas" season.

One of the projects I'll be running during this time is 'EDEN'.

The idea is simple: I want you to tell me what Utopia looks like. That could be in the form of a drawing, or a piece of writing, or a photograph, or a poem, or a song, or... whatever you feel comfortable doing.

What I'm hoping to see is what the world looks like if everything's working. Too often we're expected to imagine the next dystopia, and then we get it, or a version of it, and things keep getting worse. So let's imagine our world as we'd like it to be, if only for a moment, and see if we can help edge it along the right way a bit.

Submit whatever you have - it doesn't need to be a masterpiece, it's the idea that's important right now. There'll be a couple of online events associated, details of which I'll share soon - we'll either create more ideas together, or discuss the ones we've already got.

Email me and with what you've got.

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