Gareth A Hopkins

These pages will be kept updated with forthcoming gallery shows and news on completed artwork.

Pages from my ongoing surreal/abstracted comic 'The Intercorstal' can be found here: The Intercorstal

My deviantart gallery, chock-full of my art, can be found here: grthink

Stories from my (old) walk to and from work can be found here: Trolleys In Odd Places

Sunday 7 June 2020

'NO NEW IDEAS' Collaborative Project

Here's all you need to do in order to join in:

1. Take the page above, which is from the second section of my graphic novel 'Petrichor'. 
Here's the link to the full version: NO NEW IDEAS 
For those that are working digitally, and might find the original PSD useful, here is : NO NEW IDEAS PSD
2. Do whatever you want to it. Print it out and cut it up, or draw over the top of it, or use it as a texture in a computer game, whatever.
3. The only rule is: Be Brave.
4. Send it back to me at with any social media details that you'd want shared.
5. I'll put a copy here on the blog with your name and your social media details.
6. That's it.

If we get enough of them, I'll bundle them all up into a PDF, and we'll decide what to do with it then. It'd be nice if it could be used to generate some money for a good cause, but we'll put those ambitions behind having fun for the time being.

If you're able to, please send the finished file back to me using the following details. If you don't know how to prep an image to these specifications, that's absolutely not a problem, just send me what you've got.

Dimensions: 21.6 x 30.3cm (2551x3579 pixels)
DPI: 300dpi
Colour: RGB - if you can send CMYK in case we decide to print, that's helpful, but not the end of the world.

My own first attempt at reworking the page

by Hazel R

Instagram: @sao.imprografia

Martha Hopkins
Amy Hopkins

Daniel Bristow Bailey
Instagram: @danielbristowbailey
Twitter: @bristowbailey

Jeremy P Bushnell
Instagram: @jeremypbushnell
Also one half of the two-person remix collective @churchdoorlounger

Nick Bryan
Twitter: @NickMB
Instagram: @nickbryandotcom

Steve Thompson
Twitter: @kloob

Jenny Robins
Twitter: @jennyrobins
Instagram: @mywordsfly

Jenny Robins
Twitter: @jennyrobins
Instagram: @mywordsfly

Sarah Daniels
Instagram: @sarahdaniels.jpg

Chloe Starling
Twitter: @thechlowinator
Instagram: @thechlowinator

Ladenia Jones

Anon Anon

Simon Russel
Twitter: @simon_at_boing
Instagram: @simon_boing

Simon Russel
Twitter: @simon_at_boing
Instagram: @simon_boing

Michael Orr
Tweet: @cornpone
IG: @_pone_

Douglas Noble
Twitter: @douglasnoble
Instagram: @douglasnoble

Rosaire Appel
Instagram: @rappelx
Facebook: Rosaire Appel
Tony Esmond
Instagram: @professor_riptide

Piotr Szreniawski
Instagram: @pszren

Gareth A Hopkins
Twitter: @grthink
Instagram: @grthink

Martha Hopkins

Bill Hopkins

Lois Shukes
Instagram: @cindylou8400

Lois Shukes
Instagram: @cindylou8400

Twitter: @is_perfectly

Chris Joseph
Twitter: @cj391

Linus Evans
Twitter: @Linus_E_

Anastasia Marsh
Twitter: @anthal4
Instagram: @anastasia.marsh

Jim Andrews

To see Jim's Aleph Null graphic synthesiser 'chew' on
some of the other submissions to No New Ideas
you can do that here (and I recommend that you do):

David Kjellin

These 6 are by Michael Alexander, but were emailed by CJ Pendragon, so they're both getting listed as creators.
Michael Alexander
Twitter: @MichaelAlexanderPen

CJ Pendragon
Twitter: @CJPendragon

Another by Jim Andrews - if you're able, it's worth zooming in to read the text.

To see Jim's Aleph Null graphic synthesiser 'chew' on 
some of the other submissions to No New Ideas
you can do that here (and I recommend that you do):

Andrew Topel

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